Worcester County’s Trusted Community Law Firm

Frightening statistics for trick-or-treaters

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2023 | Firm News |

Halloween is a few weeks in the past, but unfortunately, some trick-or-treaters are still living with the events of the night. With both youngsters and those considered young-at-heart moving through neighborhoods and across streets, it’s no surprise that tragedy can occur.

Friday remains the deadliest day for Halloween, with an average increase of 22 percent compared to all other Fridays in any year. The other days, in order of tragic fatalities, include:

  • Tuesday (second)
  • Sunday (third)
  • Thursday (fourth)

Ironically, out of all the days of the week, Saturday ranks first in safe trick-or-treating and even reveals a reduction in fatal motor vehicle collisions when looking at the average.

More startling data

Halloweens that occur during the week saw an 11 percent increase in fatalities as opposed to the weekends. Pedestrians face a 50/50 chance of losing their lives than any other day in the year.

Nearly one-fifth of fatal crashes on All Hallows Eve are children. To date, the highest numbers saw 14 out of more than 48 percent of all deaths were children in 2014. 2006, considered the second deadliest Halloween, accounted for 14 fatalities out of 39. The lowest number of deaths occurred in 2019, with kids accounting for 4.65 percent.

Since the mid-nineties, most Halloweens saw between five to nine child fatalities in motor vehicle collisions.

Additional tips

Proactive steps to help all those celebrating focus on “being seen,” with bright colored clothing and even reflective tape to alert motor vehicle operators of their presence.

While a significant portion of revelers are staying within “family-friendly” parameters, others choose to attend gatherings with alcohol served. Sadly, the different approaches can come together and cause significant tragedies.